We have packaged everything your business needs to have a quality, reliable IT
solution into our CompleteCare service.
At the core, you will find a friendly, responsive, 24/7 helpdesk. Add
Cloud email, communication, and collaboration, Device Compliance tools
including encryption, MDM, endpont security, and cloud backup, and you have a secure and
reliable platform to empower your team and secure your business.
Then your team just calls/emails/chats to us: whether to help sync a calendar to a phone,
connect to a printer, access a server, or onboard a new employee, we can help!
CompleteCare has the
breath and depth of support included to take care of all your users' IT needs.
Our flat monthly support packages include our security and compliance tools as well as
all end-user support – no hidden costs. We mean it: no-hassle IT
support at a fraction of the cost of traditional IT providers.