Our Blog: advice and opinions from Hybridge

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Ways to Use Gemini for Google Workspace

March 20, 2025

Google is integrating Gemini into Google Workspace and charging you for it - as they announced a price increase across the board and the big new feature is Gemini - so it might be a good idea for you to use this tool in your daily workflow.

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Required migration to uBlock Origin Lite

January 23, 2025

We want to bring to your attention some important changes regarding uBlock Origin, part of Hybridge’s standard platform deployment for our clients, and a browser add-in we recommend you install on your home/personal computers as well.

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Adobe Price Increase

September 28, 2023

Adobe has announced a price increase for some of its Creative Cloud plans starting on November 1, 2023.

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ChatGPT - coming to the workplace!

April 25, 2023

Surely, you’ve heard of or are using ChatGPT personally to write witty remarks to friends, to find how something works, or just for the fun of it, but have you thought about ChatGPT at the enterprise level?

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Shop Online? Sure, just be aware and be secure

November 22, 2022

Black Friday & Cyber Monday are around the corner and the only ones happier about that than the retailers are the scam artists. From selling products that don’t exist to trying to capture financial information, be aware as you click away this holiday season. Review the tips below to ensure safe online shopping.

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Dark times on the Dark Web

August 25, 2022

In a recent report from the Digital Shadows Research Team, a staggering 24.6 billion pairs of credentials are currently available for sale on the Dark Web. To put this into perspective, this is equivalent to roughly three compromised accounts for every single person on the planet. Knowing this information is scary, but also serves as a reminder to be mindful of each password you create.

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Staying Connected While Traveling Abroad

June 27, 2022

Summer is finally here! It hopefully means some vacation time and a well-deserved break. It may also mean leaving the country for a certain amount of time. Be aware that using your cell phone to stay in touch with friends and work while in another country can be both expensive and frustrating. Here are a few tips to keep you connected, no matter where your adventures take you.

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Moving Offices

May 11, 2022

Moving offices can be an exciting time for your company, especially if you have outgrown your current office and are moving onto something bigger and better. However, you need to plan well ahead to stop your move from quickly becoming a nightmare. Having been through a few moves ourselves, here are some tips and lessons learned when moving your workplace.

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Got a new iPhone?

April 27, 2022

Here’s how to transfer your Google Authenticator codes without rescanning every QRcode

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SSO - the right solution for you?

March 30, 2022

Single Sign On (SSO) has been a hot topic for a while: CEOs are asking about it, consultants are proposing to implement it, rumor has it that it is the gold-standard of authentication security.

But is it really?

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2022 Planning

December 16, 2021

2021 has been challenging for everyone but with a partner like Hybridge, making the right decisions for your company is that much easier. Here's a quick list of things to keep in mind for 2022.

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Zoom 2.0 - new features to make life easier

February, 22, 2021
Woman looking at video call on laptop

By now we are all Zoom professionals, but did you know the popular telecommunications platform has been silently adding cool new features to make video calls and your overall experience better?

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WFH - is it right for your company?

February, 15, 2021
Woman smiling at computer while writing on tablet

COVID forced most companies to improvise and allow the majority of their workforce to work from home in early 2020. As the months passed, companies saw the benefits, and the challenges, of a remote work force - can WFH be their new normal? Is WFH right for your organization for the long term?

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Big Sur = Big Problems?

January, 15, 2021
Mac Os White Writing Against A Orange And Red Screen

BEFORE you update your Mac to Big Sur, read this. Hybridge is here to tell you exactly why you shouldn’t update to Big Sur just yet. But, if you do decide to update, we are here to guide you through the whole update process correctly.

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New Year, Same Security Threats

January, 4, 2021
Man Getting Wallet Taken From Pocket Through Computer Screen

If you don’t already know, it’s time you understood why these criminals are not only tugging at your heart strings, but your wallet as well. Here are a few tips on how to spot those fraudulent emails.

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Shelter in place...again.

December, 16, 2020
Man Using Three Computers

Let's make sure we don’t make the same mistakes we did before and prepare ourselves for success. Here are a few key things to consider to make sure your work-from-home experience is the best that it can be… all things considered.

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Planning your IT spending for the new year.

November, 17, 2020
Calculating Budget

Creating your IT budget for the next year should be a thoughtful, planned exercise that takes into account not just the allocation of funds, but the strategic business goals that have been set out for the organization and the various paths to achieving those goals.

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Virtual LP Annual Meetings

October, 14, 2020
Team of people on video call

If you are planning a virtual event and are a Hybridge client we’ll be glad to help setup and run the technology for the show, and if not here are a few tips and tricks to consider.

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Halloween during COVID?

October, 14, 2020
Halloween Pumpkins

We’ve been brainstorming ways to make the most out of this holiday during the pandemic for both the young and the old! Let’s face it, adults love to let loose, dress up, and have some spooky fun but COVID has put a huge damper on plans. Instead of not doing anything at all, be creative and think of safe fun ways you, your family, and friends could still celebrate.

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How to Keep the “Team” in Teamwork While Everyone is Remote

September 11, 2020
Team Bonding

As an essential business, Hybridge has half our team in the office and the other half of “designated survivors” are working from home. We know working from home is tough: it can feel monotonous and isolating. Creating and maintaining that “team” feeling and nurturing your company culture is challenging when everyone is dispersed – challenging but not impossible!

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Is Your WiFi Driving You Crazy?

September 11, 2020
Wifi Problems

With your entire household on the home network for work and school, you cannot afford to have the network down. If the connection fails or is slow, you are sure to hear about it from several family members! Here are some quick tips to bring everyone back online.

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Back-To-School Tips and Tricks

August 20th, 2020

It’s that time of year again, BACK TO SCHOOL! This year is particularly tricky and somewhat daunting as it will be a new learning model for almost everyone. Regardless of where you live, there is a good chance that back to school will include some online component, so here are some tips and tricks to make sure your children are well prepared for online learning and to help you understand what at-home learning means for your network and security.

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Cybersecurity should be a way of life.

August 18th, 2020

Cybersecurity culture ensures that your company is equipped with the knowledge and motivation necessary to combat security threats. It is more than just a set of documents or policies; it is a learned behavior across your company.

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VPNs: the good and the bad

July 28, 2020

A VPN connection is an unlimited connection from a network or computer to an office network. It gives unfettered access for any application, including any malicious applications, to the office network and all the computers and servers on it.

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Data backup - yes, it's THAT important

July 24, 2020
Data Backup Logo

Data is the most precious asset most companies have. From intellectual property to customer and product information, the management, storage and access of data is key to any company. Add to that a remote work force, security concerns and legal liabilities, and data management takes a life of its own.

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Microsoft Teams - what's all the hype about

June 17, 2020
Microsoft Teams Logo

Microsoft has repackaged some of its old products and launched Teams in a big way, to compete with Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, GoMeet, and the many other chat/video collaboration platforms. Teams is a business messaging and meeting app with tight integration with Office 365 and is included with some Office 365 subscriptions, including Business and Enterprise. Additionally, Microsoft force-installs it with most Windows updates, which makes it very appealing. However, when deploying a communications and collaboration platform for your organization, an evaluation of its structure and functionality is necessary to ensure fit with your needs and culture.

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Summer fun during a quarantine

June 17, 2020
Summer Movies

While California, the US and the world start opening after 3 months in self-isolation, we are likely still looking at a summer spent mostly at home with limited travel – both due to options and personal choice. So what are you going to do with your kids, your friends and yourself this summer?

Well, how about hosting a series of backyard movie nights?

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Hey Good Lookin' 2 - Cameras

May 21, 2020
Hey Good Lookin' 2 - Cameras

Last month we gave you some Pro Tips on how to adjust your environment to improve your professional presence on video conferencing calls. Now let’s talk about a key piece of hardware for video conferencing: the camera.

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Return to Work

May 15, 2020
Hey Good Lookin'

Many non-exempt Hybridge clients are planning to return to their offices next month. While most enterprises were forced to put in place last minute infrastructure and policies for working remotely, the likely reality of an ongoing location-flexible workplace means now is the time to carefully craft a long term infrastructure for your company and team that will probably look quite different than it did in 2019. This will entail technology, security, and policy decisions...

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Hey Good Lookin'

April 20, 2020
Hey Good Lookin'

Now everyone has mastered joining and hosting their video collaboration tool of choice (Google Meet, Zoom, Anymeeting, even Webex) the next step is to up your game so your audience/team can focus on you and your content, not the periphery of your environment.

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The Scammers are Sheltering-in-Place too

April 2, 2020
Covid Scams

You are sheltering in place and so are the bad guys! Now they have even MORE time to come up with ways to hack you and rob you of precious information and money. Here are some of the Coronavirus related scams you should be watching out for:

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Preparing for Coronavirus in the workplace

March 2, 2020

The situation with Coronavirus is changing quickly and it could have an impact on you personally or professionally in near future. How can you prepare your office and your team from a technology perspective? Here is a quick list for your review:

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Cloud-based business infrastructure – best practices in 2020

February 24, 2020

We know you are probably sick of hearing about the cloud, but especially now, having the key applications that run your business be cloud-based will give you distinct advantages and flexibility over businesses that continue to run servers in their storage closet.

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You took part in the great migration, now what?

February 13, 2020

…. not the one in Africa, the one around the world where all Windows 7 users have, or are in the process of, migrating to Windows 10. Why? There was no choice. As of January 14th, 2020, Microsoft no longer supports the Windows 7 Operating System.

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Business on the Go!

January 16, 2020

Recently, our team went out on a retreat to Lake Tahoe. To beat traffic, most folks decided to drive up Thursday night for the weekend getaway. However, this didn’t mean that the team got an early weekend. Instead, we set up a support center at the ski house to support our clients and wrap up the week’s work before hitting the snow on Saturday.

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Shh, it's a Secret!

December 12, 2019

Hybridge is frequently asked “is this email legit, or phishing”. In 99% of cases the emails are phishing, and in fact, if you have to ask, then for sure it is phishing.

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Ergonomic Gift Ideas

December 5, 2019
Ergonomic Chairs

Holiday season is upon us, and if you’re like most people, there is some last-minute shopping you need to finish. Luckily for you, we have some suggestions suitable for those hard workers that bring the office home and may forget that their desk at home needs to be as good and ergonomic as the one at the office.

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Keep Your Office Going When The Power Is Out

October 27, 2019
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff

On Monday, October 28th, the Hybridge offices did not have power as a part of PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff program. While this did disrupt our normal workflow, we were well prepared, and here is how.

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MacOS 10.15 Catalina - What is new?

October 9, 2019
macOS Catalina

While we generally advocate for keeping your software up to date whenever possible, it looks like you might want to hold off on updating to Catalina for a couple of months.

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Is it time to upgrade your iPhone?

October 3, 2019
Apple released its newest iPhone, the iPhone 11.

Two weeks ago, Apple launched its newest iPhone, which comes in 3 variations: the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max. Should you upgrade? In this blog we’ve listed a few pros/cons to upgrading to the newest iPhone.

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Windows 7 End of Life

September 19, 2019
Windows 7 End of Life

Recently, Microsoft announced that it will be discontinuing support for Windows 7 in January 2020. What does this mean and what will happen to Windows 7?

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Building a Cost-Effective Way to Zoom Room

September 12, 2019
A Polycom Trio and Webcam is all you need for a Zoom Room.

The Polycom Trio is something more and more of our clients are starting to get to run their Zoom Rooms, and for good reason. The Trio acts as an all-in-one device for your Zoom Rooms, removing the need for an iPad, Mac Mini, and additional microphone.

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Back to "School" for your team!

August 22, 2019

It is Back to School time! Some parents say it is the happiest time of the year…But seriously, education is very important for the kids, but keeping yourself and your professional team learning is essential for corporate success.

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What are your kids doing on their phones?

August 15, 2019
A group of girls sitting on a bench on their phones.

According to the West Virginia Education Association, the average teen/tween spends six to nine hours on their phones per day. What could they be doing for that amount of time per day?

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Is Your Smartphone Encrypted?

July 18, 2019
Mobile Encryption

Accidents happen, and losing your phone is more common that one would hope. At Hybridge, we always push for additional security measures to keep you and your data safe and secure.

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Vacations - with a tech twist!

July 11, 2019
Tech Vacations

Summer is in full force, and with that, a lot of individuals and families will be going on vacation. If you still haven't decided on a vacation spot, consider some interesting tech monuments!

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RIP Mozy

June 13, 2019
Mozy to Acronis

Earlier this year Carbonite announced their intent to shut down the MozyPro service, likely because its high availability and reliable service cost more to maintain than their more home-targeted brand.

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Collaborating in Virtual Data Rooms

June 6, 2019
Data Rooms

Now that most things are migrating to the cloud, data rooms are also following suit. Virtual data rooms have many benefits over a traditional, physical data room or transactional e-mails.

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Team Bonding with a Purpose

May 16, 2019
Hybridge Team Outing

If you’ve been considering a company outing and are trying to decide on something that would be fun, good for team bonding, and would like to help your local community, then consider various volunteering programs as a way to give back while bringing your team together.

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April 17, 2019

If you think you are safe from cyber attacks, or that your employees are sophisticated, tech-savvy users, or that the dark web has nothing on you, read on!

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Upgrade your Business Phone System

March 20, 2019
Voice over Internet Protocol

You can continue to leverage your investment in a fast internet connection by switching to a broadband internet platform for your phones instead of traditional hardwired phones.

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Say Goodbye to QuickBooks 2016

February 20, 2019
QuickBooks Logo

After May 31st, 2019 Intuit will discontinue support for QuickBooks 2016, which includes cutting off access to any add-on services that you may have such as Online Banking.

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Extend your love ... to your computer!

February 13, 2019
Love your computer

If you love your computer, and even if you don’t, like all relationships in your life, you must nurture it, take care of it, and show it that you love it. Take time this month to start early on your computer spring cleaning!

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Electric Bikes - a Greener Way to Get to Work

February 6, 2019
Electric Bikes

Automakers are hedging their bets against sliding car sales by entering the electric-powered bike and scooter markets as popularity of these methods of transportation surge across most metropolitan cities.

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Authy - 2FA improved!

January 16, 2019
Screenshot of Authy's account management page on a mobile device.

We’ve discussed in previous Hybridge blogs the many advantages of deploying two factor authentication to protect this information. User names and passwords are not enough to protect your accounts and data and there are a lot of people out there working hard to get your personal data.

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The best way to play content on a lobby Welcome Screen

January 16, 2019
Hybridge's website displayed on a lobby screen.

Many Hybridge clients have Welcome Screens in their lobbies. Sometimes these display content about the company, sometimes they welcome guests, publicize upcoming corporate events, or celebrate recent successes. While there are many ways to do this, recently we’ve been setting up a powerful cloud-hosted digital signage app that plays over an Amazon Fire TV Stick. This is a cost effective, flexible, and easy-to-use way to create a great first impression for visitors.

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Tech toys for the holidays!

December 17, 2018
Hands holding a present with Hybridge's logo.

Something new, something cool, not the same old thing!

There are a lot of great options for “cool toys” this holiday season, here are some of our favorites to give you some ideas and get you started:

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VPN – what is it and do I need one?

December 13, 2018
Lock on a computer screen over the world map.

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPNs are used to access systems and services remotely while outside of the corporate environment. There are three main reasons why you may require a VPN and each case requires a different solution.

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uBlock Ad-blocker

November 19, 2018
uBlock shield over Chrome colors.

Bring sanity to your browser

Having an ad-blocker installed on your browser has become as important as having an anti-virus on your computer. More and more viruses are now being downloaded directly along with easy-to-execute ads, making the threat potentially much more dangerous.

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Never Ignore Update Notifications

October 18, 2018
System update pop-up on a Windows desktop.

An outdated computer is a vulnerable computer

Software security updates are what keep your computer healthy, running smoothly, and most importantly, keep it protected from many silent attackers and newly released viruses.

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The New Google Chrome

October 3, 2018
Ballons of a number one and a zero, with the zero being represented by Chrome's colored logo.

Our favorite browser gets better

Recently Google launched a new design update that added a few nifty features. Staying true to the vision to be a “window to the web”, Google Chrome is now expanding that vision on its 10th anniversary to allow its users to “See more and do more”.

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Should I install macOS Mojave?

September 26, 2018
Sand dunes with 'macOS Mojave' written across.

A major update with minor improvements

With any major software upgrade it’s always best to wait a few weeks so that any bugs not caught during the beta release are found and remedied.

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Browser Plug-ins

September 13, 2018
Make sure you know what you install

Make sure you know what you install

Not every plug-in will be beneficial to your daily tasks. It is imperative that you be careful with what you choose to install and allow access to your browser history.

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Should your Business be on Instagram?

September 10, 2018
Social media platforms are not one size fits all

Social media platforms are not one size fits all

While precise hashtags can help increase visibility, and the purchasing feature can help business such as retailers earn direct sales, Instagram is not for every business.

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Your email is being read … and you said it was ok!

August 17, 2018
Revise your third-party app permissions…

Revise your third-party app permissions…

Most people would object to third parties reading their email and text messages but what they don’t realize is that most of us are routinely granting permission to developers and third parties to read our email when we opt in to their services.

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“Are you at your desk?”

August 17, 2018
Phishing gets more sophisticated

Phishing gets more sophisticated

Targeted phishing attacks are called “spear-phishing” or “whaling” and are usually used to impersonate a C-level executive that requires immediate support to execute some sort of financial transaction. Here are a few tips on how you may recognize these type of scam attacks:

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TLS 1.0 is being phased out

July 5, 2018
TLS what is it and why is it being deprecated

What is it and what should you do about it…

We are sure you have heard the buzz about TLS 1.0 being deprecated, and when data security is on your mind, Hybridge is here to help.

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The World Cup is here!

June 25, 2018
World Cup Live streaming screen

Enjoy it! But don't let it compromise your network!

Russia is hosting the world cup this year and because of time zone differences, this means that most times avid fans are at work when their favorite team is playing. In an effort to show team support, you may be tempted to look for a free service that will show the game live – DON’T DO IT!

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Relocating your office

June 14, 2018
People with boxes on their heads

Moving is not just packing boxes...

When faced with an office move, you may start thinking about packing boxes and scheduling movers, but don’t forget about the invisible yet essential items that make your office function properly—Internet, the phone network, cabling, etc.

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Opt In To The New Gmail!

June 1, 2018
Gmail logo

Check out Gmail's new features!

Google has redesigned Gmail and added several new features that will help you handle your emails more efficiently.

You should note that unless you have upgraded to the latest version of Chrome, some of the new features will not be available. Similarly, if you can only use Outlook (which can cause errors and is not recommended), these features will not be available at all.

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May 10, 2018
Data on screen unlocked.

What are they and why should you care?

PCI, PII, GDPR and HIPAA are all standards that have been defined to ensure data security. They are all different, created by different bodies and have different compliance guidelines. Why should you care? Because as a business, you are subject to these safeguards and breaching any of these can result in material losses to your business in the form of penalties, loss of business, and in some cases, possible criminal charges.

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Communicate, Collaborate, Connect

May 10, 2018
girl running in a race

Maximize team production with these video conference applications.

Although every business is different, one thing is true for all businesses – communication is the key. Communication is not just voice. In today’s world it includes the exchange of data and real-time collaboration with others for most job functions. Therefore, the need for a communications platform that allows your employees to collaborate both internally and externally, and seamlessly, has become a priority for most businesses.

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Reinvigorate your company’s team spirit and get healthier

April 11, 2018
girl running in a race

Register for a fun run this quarter!

Are you starting to plan your Q2 team outing? Switch it up this quarter and do an outing that involves exercise and being outdoors. Fun runs and marathons are happening almost every weekend throughout the next couple months. This gives your team a chance to do something new together while having fun and getting exercise. Maybe you’ll even decide to check “run a marathon” off your bucket list.

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Sharing Data: the latest features for Box, DropBox and Google Drive

April 2, 2018
folder with green arrow signifying sharing

Collaboration and File Sharing

What are file sharing services? File sharing services allow you to store and access documents, data, photos, videos, etc. in the cloud rather than locally on your hard drive. These services allow you to easily share data with your team, collaborate on files, backup all your critical information in the cloud, and they add security to make sure corporate data is protected.

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Time for Some Spring Cleaning

March 7, 2018
clean office and desk space

The idea of spring cleaning is believed to have many origins, but their underlying theme is cleansing your home and space prior to the new year or springtime. Every year, Hybridge reminds you to do some spring cleaning around your office. Taking the time to organize and throw out unnecessary items will make work and your personal space more inviting and welcoming. Here are some ideas of how to spring clean your computer and desk space:

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Company Risks: Email Breaches and Threats

March 2, 2018
letters coming out of a mailbox

What is the biggest risk or threat to your organization’s data? Many people would answer hackers. Although hackers are the underlying cause, employees present a bigger risk by unknowingly granting hackers access to your organization’s data. The number one way hacker’s gain access? Email breaches through phishing emails.

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What is two factor authentication?

February 7, 2018
phone screen on the Google Authenticator app

Hacking, digital crime, and internet fraud is unfortunately becoming more common. This is why Hybridge constantly stresses the importance of security and protection. One of the best lines of defense against hacking is creating strong passwords for all your accounts. For an overview of what a “strong password” means, check out "Secure Your Passwords Now!". One of the tips in this article is to turn on two factor authentication. But what exactly is two factor authentication?

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Importance of teamwork and planning

February 2, 2018
new stanford campus buildings being built

A little over a year ago Hybridge moved about 100 yards down the street. Our old office building and the surrounding buildings were demolished to make way for Stanford University’s new Redwood City campus. Over the past 14 months we have watched huge teams come in to perform many different projects – demolish the buildings, level the land, redo the surrounding roads and cabling, and begin building numerous structures. It is awe-inspiring to watch this huge project come to fruition in such a short amount of time.

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New Year's Resolution: Upgrade your IT!

January 10, 2018
woman creating the 1 in 2018 and sunset in background

New Year’s Resolution lists – they can be easy to make, but hard to achieve. Although personal New Year’s resolution lists are important, it is just as important to create a list of goals and resolutions for your company. One resolution to add to this list is: upgrade your IT! This resolution will help improve your company’s overall productivity and make a more secure and protected environment.

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Technology Predictions for 2018

January 4, 2018
sign with a lightbulb

As a company in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Hybridge sees technology advancements from our clients constantly. Last January, we took this knowledge and evaluated what technology might advance in 2017 in our article "Technology trends to look out for in 2017". Our predictions for 2017 were pretty spot on. So, what are our predictions for 2018? Here are the top 4 technology advancements we believe you should look out for this year.

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How to stay productive in your office this holiday season

December 7, 2017
Santa at a computer

Are you stressed and distracted by holiday shopping? Do you wish you were on vacation on a beach somewhere instead of sitting at your desk? There are many different demands and expectations during the holiday season that make it difficult to juggle everything. From holiday parties to gift shopping to traveling for the holiday, it can be hard to stay focused and productive at work. It is also easy to simply become unmotivated and just want to curl up with a blanket and a cup of hot cocoa instead of going to work. So how do you stay productive and motivated this month?

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Are your devices up-to-date?

December 1, 2017
loading bar for an update

You know that popup that keeps asking if you want to install an update to your computer or mobile device? Many of us click “remind me later” to avoid going through the process of downloading and restarting. However, these updates often involve security fixes that are necessary to keep your computer and mobile device running smoothly and securely. If you are a Hybridge client, we will schedule update maintenance with you and can do updates for you remotely so you don’t have to worry about staying up-to-date.

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How to avoid getting hooked by a phishing scam

November 7, 2017
burgalar fishing through a computer

Your company’s CFO is speaking at a conference and you get an email from the CEO saying a new vendor needs to be paid immediately. However, the CEO can’t reach the CFO because she is on a plane so he needs your helps sending the money to the vendor ASAP. You open the email and send the money only to find out it wasn’t actually the CEO that contacted you, but instead a scammer.

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6 ways to be more active in your office

November 3, 2017
businessman on exercise ball

My Apple Watch just buzzed again and told me, “Check your rings. Your exercise ring isn’t as far as it normally is at this time.” If you are part of the population that wears a smart watch, you’re reminded if you are being lazy and sitting at your desk for too long. Although Apple gets a little passive aggressive at times, it is a good reminder to get up and move around. However, it is difficult to be active when you have a desk job that requires you to sit at a computer all day. Here are a few tips that will get your smart watch off your back and create a happier and healthier you.

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KRACK Hack: Should you be worried?

October 17, 2017
cyber padlocks

On Monday, articles popped up everywhere telling you to beware of the KRACK Hack. This hack brought to everyone’s attention a vulnerability that impacts WiFi, specifically the WPA2 encryption protocol used to encrypt your WiFi traffic. While the vulnerability is serious, the press coverage is overly-alarming. You are more likely to fall prey to a hacker by clicking on a false link in an email, or navigating to shady websites, than to be hacked by the KRACK hack.

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Meraki is the network solution for your business!

October 10, 2017
cisco meraki logo

Hybridge understands that a strong and secure network is imperative to keep your business running. This is why we use the best equipment when designing your network. We work with a number of different vendors and brands, but Cisco Meraki is our go-to solution for demanding and complex environments. In fact, Hybridge is one of the largest Meraki partners in Silicon Valley and San Francisco.

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How to celebrate Halloween in your office

October 4, 2017
Halloween pail with candy in it

October is here! With that comes confusing weather (do I wear a jacket or not?), pumpkin flavored everything, and of course, Halloween. This year, October 31st falls on a Tuesday which means you will most likely be spending your day at work. However, there are ways to still celebrate the holiday even if you are at your desk most of the day.

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Do not update your Apple devices...yet!

September 26, 2017
Apple logo with a loading bar

Have you updated your Apple devices to iOS 11 or macOS High Sierra? Apple’s new operating systems promise a lot of new features and a new look and feel to your Apple device. However, like most new operating systems, there are still a few issues and glitches that need to get worked out. Because of these, Hybridge recommends that you do not update any of your Apple devices until the 2nd or 3rd release. This allows Apple time to work out the glitches that always come with major changes to operating systems.

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AutoSave: Microsoft’s New Feature

September 6, 2017
Microsoft autosave button

What is AutoSave?

Microsoft has done it again! They have created a “new feature” to try and get users to buy their online services. This “new feature” is called AutoSave and it is found in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint for Office 2016 and Office 365. As the name suggests, it automatically saves your files every few seconds so you don’t have to. However, it is only enabled when a file is stored on OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint Online.

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Should you be polite to AI?

September 1, 2017
colorful brain representing AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming the norm, especially in the Silicon Valley. We talk to our phones, our cars, and gadgets in our house. If you’re driving through Mountain View, you might drive by a Google self-driving car. If you’re walking around downtown Redwood City around lunch time, you will most likely walk by a DoorDash robot out delivering lunch to someone.

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What is G Suite Team Drive?

August 16, 2017
G Suite applications

A lot of changes are happening with Google’s cloud platform and applications. About a year ago, Google rebranded their platform from Google Apps to G Suite. Since then, they have updated many of their applications. One of those updates is the introduction of Team Drives within Google Drive. If your company is currently using Google Drive to share files, you should consider adopting Team Drives.

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Fitness, community service, and fun for your corporate outing!

August 10, 2017
community service

Corporate outings are supposed to be fun and bring your office closer together. There is also a lot of other potential benefits to an outing – fitness, bonding, brand recognition, break in health insurance premiums, etc. Depending on the type of outing you choose, you can achieve a number of different goals.

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Backup Solutions - Is your data safe?

July 17, 2017
databackup written on a key on a keyboard

If the sprinklers go off over your server, is your data safe? How long will it take you to get back in business? Or are you still using tape backups or insecure manual copies to external hard drives? It’s time to look for a comprehensive solution that will ensure your business will survive catastrophic data loss!

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Business Phone Systems - Switch to Cloud PBX

July 9, 2017
phone connected to the cloud

Are you still using an old school phone system like ShoreTel, Nortel, or Avaya? If so, it’s time to change. Cloud PBX will give you better features, more flexibility, and save you a lot of money over a traditional on-premise system.

A dependable phone solution is a necessity for your business, but it’s hard to know exactly which one to choose. VoIP vs Traditional vs Cloud PBX – you have probably heard the different terms, but what do they all mean? And what is the best phone system?

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Thoughts on WannaCry Ransomware

June 7, 2017
WannaCry cryptolocker

You have probably heard and read a lot about WannaCry ransomware, which used NSA exploits to compromise out-of-date Windows computers on large networks. For those affected it was devastating, and we feel for their pain. But for the vast majority of businesses, particularly the startups, Venture Capital firms, and growing businesses that Hybridge serves in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, WannaCry was not a real threat.

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How to Handle a Vacation from the Office

June 2, 2017
out of office written on a beach

In today's work culture, many people find it difficult to take some time for themselves and take a vacation away from the office. This is especially true in fast-paced areas like Silicon Valley and San Francisco, where sometimes the work can feel like it's never-ending. Studies have shown, however, that people work better after they've taken a breather. With summer right around the corner, it's a perfect time to take some time off and get away from the office! How do you appropriately handle leaving the office and all your work behind, though? And how do you jump back into work when you get back from vacation?

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Why You Need Mobile Device Management

May 9, 2017
Find My iPhone app

Last weekend a Hybridge client left his phone in a taxi. Luckily, he had device management installed on his phone as well as Find my iPhone activated. Hybridge locked his phone and set it to lost mode which ensured his data was secure. In lost mode, we also set the phone to display a message with his contact information and a reward for the phone to be returned.

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Goodbye QuickBooks 2014

May 5, 2017
Intuit QuickBooks logo

On May 31, 2017, Intuit will stop supporting QuickBooks 2014 and will discontinue access to add-on services. But don’t worry, Hybridge will break down what this means.

How does this affect you?

After May 31st, all add-on services to QuickBooks 2014 will no longer work.

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AutoSave Doesn't Actually AutoSave

April 6, 2017
Woman upset in front of the computer

Many of us trust Microsoft Office’s AutoSave function. We hope it is saving our work every few minutes (if you don’t know how often, please check now or call us and we can check for you). As a Silicon Valley Microsoft Partner, Hybridge has seen many cases where this assumption has led to losing important information, specifically for two of our clients just this past month. This is because AutoSave has a dirty secret – you have to save the file at least once before it will start AutoSaving.

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How to Make Your Website ADA Compliant

April 2, 2017
ADA Compliant

Does your business allow wheel chair access and accept service animals? How about provide accommodations for those with vision impairment on your website? Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in places of public accommodation. In this digital age, that includes websites and mobile applications.

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Pi Day and Yahoo's Circle of Life

March 14, 2017
pi day

As you all know, Pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Although Pi Day isn’t a real holiday and we don’t celebrate circles, they are found everywhere in life. Without circles we would have square pizzas and pies. We also wouldn’t have tires, camera lens, or rings. And perhaps the most important circle is the circle of life (I know, cheesy…but bear with us here).

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Spring Cleaning Your Office Space

March 9, 2017
office spring cleaning checklist

In “Move to Something New: Migrate to the cloud today,” we discussed spring cleaning your office by getting rid of servers and moving to the cloud. But what about spring cleaning your desk and personal space? Cleaning and organizing may be time consuming, but it can make you more efficient and will definitely make your personal space at work feel more welcoming. Here are some steps on how to clean your desk space thoroughly this spring.

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Move to Something New: Migrate to the cloud today

March 2, 2017
torn down office building

In November, Hybridge moved to a new building right down the street from our old location in Redwood City. Throughout the past couple months, we have seen our old building torn down in preparation for the new Stanford Redwood City Campus. Watching this transformation reminded us of the importance of leaving the old behind and embracing something new. And what better time to do that than spring when new beginnings are happening everywhere?

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Google Chrome Tips & Tricks

February 21, 2017
chrome browser logo

Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, which web browser do you use? Sometimes you are forced to use one over another due to capabilities of a specific application. However, if you get to choose, Hybridge recommends using Chrome, especially if you use G Suite. Here are some features you should know about Chrome as well as nuances to look out for.

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Valentine's Day Office Guidelines

February 8, 2017
happy valentines day

Valentine’s Day - a day of chocolates, roses, and cheesy greeting cards. Some people love the holiday while others would prefer to just skip over February 14th. This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a workday, but that doesn’t mean that the romance and presents should make it into the office. Whether you are lovesick or sick of love, here are some guidelines for how to handle the holiday in your office...

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Email Tips & Tricks

February 3, 2017
Outlook and Gmail

It's estimated that 205 billion emails are sent every day. With that many emails being processed, you need to make sure you are using the best email service and that you know how to efficiently use it. As discussed before in "Time to Switch from Your Obsolete Email Account", Hybridge recommends that you use Gmail through our G Suite service or Outlook with our cloud Microsoft Exchange...

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Technology New Year's Resolutions

January 18, 2017
resolutions arrow sign

Eat healthier. Save money. Start a new hobby. At the beginning of 2017 you probably made a few personal New Year’s Resolutions. But what about resolutions to improve your business, specifically on the technology side? Technology is a vital part of your business that needs to be updated and tested often. Here are some things you’ll want to add to that New Year’s Resolution list:

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Technology trends to look out for in 2017

January 10, 2017
2017 technology

Every year new technology and advancements are introduced to the marketplace. Some are completely new while others are advancements to what is already out there. It’s hard to predict “the next Uber,” but there are a few technology sectors you’ll want to keep an eye on in 2017.

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Tech Gift Ideas from Outside Silicon Valley

December 9, 2016
mBot v1.1

Hybridge is the technology partner for many of the top startups in Silicon Valley, so we see amazing apps and technologies every day.

But for this newsletter we thought we’d highlight a few cool tech gift ideas from outside Silicon Valley. All tried and tested by the Hybridge team.

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Navigating the Holiday Season in Your Office

December 4, 2016
holiday office party

We are in the midst of the Holiday season which means numerous Holiday parties as well as gift buying and giving. You might have the holidays figured out for your friends and family, but what about for your office? December can get a little stressful if you have to plan a Holiday office party and gift exchange, so here are a few tips to help you out.

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Time to Switch from Your Obsolete Email Account

November 22, 2016
gmail, yahoo, and outlook logos

You might have heard about the new MacBook Pros that Apple announced at their Keynote on October 27th. Faster. Lighter. Touch Bar. USB-C. Just like every reveal, Apple absolutely knows how to make their products look appealing. But should you actually buy the new MacBook Pro...

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The New MacBook Pro - To Buy or Not to Buy?

November 10, 2016
MacBook Pro 2016

You might have heard about the new MacBook Pros that Apple announced at their Keynote on October 27th. Faster. Lighter. Touch Bar. USB-C. Just like every reveal, Apple absolutely knows how to make their products look appealing. But should you actually buy the new MacBook Pro...

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Everyone Was Down - But You Weren't!

November 4, 2016
Webpage not available screenshot

Network Attack

On October 21st, a major network attack paralyzed the domain name systems of over a million companies, including Twitter, Box, Spotify, and Netflix. This attack took down the email systems and websites of the victims for several hours...

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Halloween Costumes at Work?

October 6, 2016
Halloween costume ideas

October 31st – a day full of candy and costumes, what’s not to love? Gone are the days when dressing up is just for kids, adults can do it too! But if you want to dress up during the day, you need to check that it is okay with your employer and make sure to wear a work-appropriate costume...

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Top 10 iOS 10 Features

October 1, 2016
iOS10 for iphones

Do you have an iPhone or iPad? Then it is time for you to update to iOS 10! This update came out on September 13th and contains many great new features, some of which you might have overlooked. Although iOS 10 is specifically designed for the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus models, it is also compatible with iPhone 5 and up along with iPad 2 and the iPad mini, iPad Air, iPad Pro models. However, we recommend only updating to iOS 10 if you have a 2015 or later iPhone or iPad model...

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Helpful macOS Sierra Features

October 1, 2016
macOS Sierra

It’s time for you to update your Mac computer, or is it? On September 20th, Apple released the macOS Sierra update which has many new features and upgrades, some of which are comparable to the iOS 10 update for iPhones and iPads. Although it has many great features, it still has a couple glitches like most new updates. Therefore, we recommend waiting a couple months before downloading it, especially if you do not have a newer computer...

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Zoom: Video Conferencing Made Easy

September 7, 2016
Zoom video conferencing

Do you often host video web conferences, but still haven’t found a service you like? Try Zoom! You may have seen billboard advertisements with their slogan – video conferencing that doesn’t suck! And it lives up to that hype most of the time. There are many video conferencing options, from the traditional and incredibly expensive Cisco or Lifesize, to the free and okay ones like Skype or Facetime...

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Try These Keyboard Shortcuts

September 2, 2016

Keyboard shortcuts are great! They can help you get things done faster and even eliminate using your mouse or touchpad. You may already know every shortcut there is, or you might not know how to take a screenshot. Whatever your skill level is, check out these basic and handy keyboard shortcuts...

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Slack: A Messaging Application for Your Team

August 30, 2016
Slack messaging app logo

How do you communicate with your team?

Internal communication in companies has significantly changed in the last couple years. One reason for this is Generation Y (aka Millennials) who are the largest generation in America and makeup the majority of the workforce. Millennials grew up with digital communication and expect it in the workplace now too...

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The Importance of Having Fun at Work

August 17, 2016
work party

Work is supposed to be a serious and professional environment at all times, right? Wrong, and that’s been proven! Many studies over the past few decades have invalidated this belief. For example, a 2015 study from the University of Warwick found that happy employees had a 12% spike in productivity while unhappy workers were 10% less productive. A fun workplace not only leads to happier and more productive employees, but also...

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Secure Your Passwords Now!

August 4, 2016
keyboard with password security

Do you use the same password for the majority of your accounts? Do you have a list written down at your desk of all your passwords? Passwords are intended to protect you, your data, and your different accounts, but many people don’t take the extra steps necessary to ensuring protection. Even if you answered no to those questions, there is always room to improve your password security...

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How to Protect Your Office

July 27, 2016
security cameras in use sign

At Hybridge, we stress the importance of keeping your data safe—from creating secure and different passwords to using cloud storage. However, protecting your workplace and personal objects is just as important. It does you no good to secure your data, and then get your computer stolen...

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Google Fiber Acquired Webpass

July 7, 2016
Google fiber acquired Webpass

At Hybridge, we always recommend that our clients use two internet service providers. Why? Well, internet service providers are a lot like airlines - often they have problems and delays, sometimes within their control and sometimes not, and when there is a problem there is not much that can be done besides just wait for them to investigate and fix it...

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How to Survive Sitting at a Desk All Day

July 1, 2016
Sitting at a desk ergonomics

Do you have a desk job that requires you to sit for the majority of the day? Although sitting is relaxing, it can also be painful to do for an extended period of time. Sitting all day may lead to eye strain and pain in your shoulder, back, arm, wrist, and neck. However, there are ways to help avoid and alleviate these pains without having to invest in a standing desk or when the pain persists even with a standing desk...

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Cloud Technology for Your Business

June 17, 2016
Cloud technology

5 Reasons Why Hybridge's Cloud Technology Makes Sense:

1. Security: Putting your data in a professionally managed data center is infinitely safer than a closet in your office where anyone can access the information...

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Applications That Make Traveling Easier

June 10, 2016
travel applications

Summer is here which means warm weather and the chance to travel or just get out of the office for a couple days. A vacation should be fun and relaxing, but sometimes it can also be complicated and frustrating. Luckily, there are applications available to help make traveling easier...

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What to do when you lose your company laptop

May 20, 2016
mobile device management

Mobile Device Management is the answer

An increasingly mobile workforce means that many of your physical assets (computers), and the proprietary corporate data found on those assets, are more often than not out of the confines of your corporate offices...

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Got Bluetooth? Here's How to Find Out.

May 12, 2016
bluetooth logo

More and more devices nowadays use Bluetooth wireless technology to connect to your computer. But, how do you know if your computer supports Bluetooth?

Here's how to tell if your Windows device has Bluetooth:

Open the Device Manager - Accessing the device manager is a little different for each version...

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Ad-blocking: Now a Necessity

April 27, 2016
ad blocking

While having an anti-virus suite on your computer is extremely important to mitigate risks and viruses, having an ad-blocker is becoming just as important. More and more viruses are now being downloaded directly along with ads – both built in ads in a web page as well as pop-up ads – which are much easier to execute, and therefore potentially much more dangerous. Additionally, many ads now are intrusive, privacy-invading, and just plain rude. Because of these factors we’re recommending....

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Beware of Email Phishing

April 18, 2016
exchange of money through a computer

No, really, it isn’t you when your CFO gets an email from you asking to do a last minute wire transfer. Or one of your customers gets an email to change the account number they normally wire payments to. Or your accountant gets an email to send you a copy of your tax return.

The unfortunate fact is that anyone can put anything they want in the “From” address of an email. ....

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Maintenance for Quickbooks

February 26, 2016
Quickbooks logo

Like any other system or application, QuickBooks needs maintenance and a little TLC.

You may notice over time that QuickBooks performance deteriorates or that it is randomly unable to connect. This results in frustration, lost time and a loss of productivity.

One common cause of this subpar Quickbooks performance can be excessively large transaction log...

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R.I.P. Internet Explorer and Windows 8

January 22, 2016
Internet Explorer tombstone

Microsoft has released information regarding End of Life support (EoL) for a number of their platforms including older versions of Internet Explorer and Windows 8. As of January 12th, Microsoft only supports the most current version of Internet Explorer, which is Internet Explorer 11 and can only be found in Windows 7 and later. In addition...

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How to Close a Locked-Up Program

October 20, 2015
Businessman worried

Have you ever had multiple applications running when suddenly one of the programs just "locks up"? Most likely. While this tip isn't new, it's amazing how many computer users choose to shut down or hard reboot their system. Here's a better way....

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Tips and Tricks for the McAfee Spam Filter

September 24, 2015
McAfee email protection

As a Hybridge client, you have access to the best technology solutions available. One of the latest weapons in our arsenal is McAfee Email Protection.

This vastly improved spam filter will significantly reduce the number of junk emails that will make their way into your inbox. The impact on your organization is minimal as Hybridge manages the upgrade for you. However, it is a departure from how spam email was previously handled and you need to be aware of how it works...

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IT Policies and Procedures: Why every company needs to have them in place

August 14, 2015
IT policy highlighted

IT policies are a critical, yet often neglected area in most growing businesses. Clear policies around data management and ownership (personal versus corporate), email and internet usage, and hardware and software inventory are necessary for the protection of both the company and the employee. Guidelines and written policies in these areas need to be defined, communicated and implemented whether your company has 5, 50, or 5000 employees...

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7 Signs Your PC Memory is Failing

August 20, 2015
computer memory chip

Your computer's memory chips (RAM) will likely outlast most of the other PC components, but on occasion, they do go bad.

Signs of a RAM problem:

1. Your computer freezes up for a few minutes no matter what application you are using.
2. Loading common applications, even small ones, seems to take forever.
3. Your PC randomly restarts when you're in the middle of task...

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Recycle Your E-Waste

July 28, 2015
recycle e waste

Step 1: Move to the cloud

One of the many benefits of the cloud is that you can say good-bye to closets full of hot, dusty servers that were never meant to house hot, dusty servers. As you move your applications to the cloud with Hybridge you can dispose of costly servers, maintenance contracts and expensive software licenses for those servers...

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Avoiding Viruses and Backing Up Your PC

June 23, 2015

Beware of Ransomware

Think before you click! You could lose everything - you are the most powerful tool in system security.

We have seen a recent spike in the number of computers being infected with Ransomware. People’s computers are crypto-lockered: this infection will encrypt all the files within your computer and hold them ransom. The only way to get your files back is to pay the ransom with Bitcoin – a lengthy, difficult and expensive process. If you do not pay the ransom within a certain time frame, the ransom goes up...

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How to Fix a Loud Computer Fan

June 10, 2015
Computer fan

"Is it just me, or is my computer getting noisier and more annoying?" you think to yourself one quiet morning. If your once nearly-silent computer is seemingly getting louder, it probably is the computer and not you imagining it. A computer fan that is always running is a sign that worse things are just around the corner...

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